Fabiani: "Kamada Is Disappointed As He Is Unable To Showcase His Full Potential. While We Would Like To Retain Him, I Cannot Predict What The Future Holds."

January 12, 2024

During a recent interview on Radiosei, Angelo Mariano Fabiani, the sporting director of Lazio, shared his thoughts on various subjects, ranging from the derby to Lecce, as well as the transfer market and contract renewals. Here is a breakdown of his remarks:

"The significance of the derby cannot be understated, and this particular one held even more importance as it coincided with Lazio's birthday. While we are delighted with our triumph, there has been an excessive amount of discussion surrounding it, particularly within our team at Formello. However, our focus should now shift to the upcoming match against Lecce. We learned early on in the season that underestimating any opponent is a grave mistake. Despite our recent string of three victories, our ultimate goal is to secure a place in Europe, and thus our efforts thus far have not been sufficient."

"Mandas? He is destined for us. Sarri made a wise decision to field him in a match of great significance and uniqueness. It is premature to discuss Sarri's contract extension at this point. Kamada is disappointed as he is unable to showcase his full potential. While we would like to retain him, I cannot predict what the future holds. As far as Anderson is concerned, we have done what we have to do. It's up to him to decide what to do. We are ready to renew. The same goes for Zaccagni." 

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