The Rating Of Lazio In 2023 (Part 1: President, Sport Director, And Head Coach)

The recently concluded year, 2023, brought numerous achievements and moments of satisfaction for Lazio, leaving a lingering sense of the Champions League. From the exhilarating journey that culminated in an unprecedented second-place finish last season, to the valiant effort against Atletico Madrid in the group stage. However, it is regrettable to recall the six crucial points lost in the first two matches of this championship against Lecce and Genoa. Those points have proven to be the sole difference between occupying the ninth and fourth positions. Nevertheless, there remain twenty more games to rectify this setback. A united group, and then some. As the new year dawns, the La Lazio Siamo Noi Staff presents an evaluation of the capital club's performance throughout the year 2023.

Claudio Lotito: Claudio Lotito is undoubtedly a determined president who spared no expense in the summer to meticulously construct and refine the team under Sarri's guidance. He made the strategic decision to appoint a successful coach and has consistently reaffirmed his choice by dedicating both financial resources and unwavering commitment. His ultimate goal is to solidify his position at the top tier of the championship. Those who know him well swear that he is driven to keep climbing. The commitments, on the other hand, are a significant weakness. Between the club and the Senate, he is frequently preoccupied with the last concerns. RATING 6.5

Angelo Mariano Fabiani: He plays a key role in the club, possibly the most important. Perfect communication between the presidency and the team. He examines the difficulties of the group, speaks with the coach, handles significant concerns, and responds quickly. He's an explosive combination of heart and intelligence. Nothing is missing from his acts. He understands how to balance the components, even if his actions can appear harsh at times. With Enrico Lotito, he resurrected the Primavera's fortunes. He is reintroducing women's football and has made significant investments in the youth sector. Finally, there is a role within a role: Sports Director. He supported the president's offensive and defensive decisions, always with Sarri's approval. Respected by the squad, staff, and coach. Lotito considers him a member of the family. RATING 7

Maurizio Sarri: Rough, grumpy, and passionate about football and his own ideas to the point where they bordered on intransigence and arrogance. Sarri's football is a collection of stories. He came up with the concept of Lazio, which he built on the previously outlined stages of development. During the summer, he requested key players, but when the club chose funds above players, he grew irritated. He has stated repeatedly that he intends to conclude his career with Lazio, but the plan took a significant turn during the second act of the season. For him, 2023 is a two-sided coin: first celebrated and successful (second in the standings), then stressful and exhausting. Sarri is in charge of selecting the necessary levers to resurrect Lazio. He can choose what to focus on. The team is seeking to discover itself, as well as possibly their coach, using their head, heart, and body. RATING 7 

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