Arsenal Could Relaunch Their Bid For Correa


This market, like last year, will be very complicated due to the serious economic losses that many clubs have had. In this perspective, the sales take on a very important value and Lazio would also be thinking about this. Joaquin Correa is also among the possible outgoing case for the Biancoceleste. 

The Argentine attacking midfielder has many requests in the Premier, where Arsenal would appear to be the team most interested. The London club, after having been refused an offer of 20 million euros, could try to relaunch their bid. According to Enrico De Lellis in these hours the Gunners would seem willing to raise their offer which, among many bonuses and fixed part, would slightly exceed 30 million euros.

Faced with such an offer, Lazio, which asks for 40 million euros for its player, could reflect and decide to join the negotiating table. However, this would be a lower figure than Biancoceleste desire, but still a starting point for reaching the final agreement. 

Attention should also be paid, however, to Tottenham, the effect of the arrival of Paratici, a great admirer of the Argentine. On the other side of London, the Spurs could kick off a market offer, trying to look for a perfect replacement for Dele Alli. 

This weekend could prove to be important for Joaquin Correa's future, as he is no longer certain of staying in the Biancoceleste.

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