Lotito Is Angry And Froze All Of The Ongoing Contract Renewal

The Biancoceleste president expects the group to be all with Sarri: after Bologna, he asked for an immediate reaction with Inter.

After the bitter defeat against Bologna, the Lazio squad is now thinking about the next match.  The ugly failure has infuriated the Biancoceleste president, so much so that he has taken serious measures in this regard.  

As reported by the usual press review of Radiosei, Lotito has already paid the salaries of June, July, and August plus the bonuses.  Now, however, concerning the 3-0 result at the Dall'Ara, he has frozen the renewals that are still in the negotiation phase. 

A quite tough and drastic decision given the deadlines of the contracts of Luiz Felipe, Marusic, Strakosha, Patric, and Reina, all in 2022.

The contract of the Spanish goalkeeper will be extended automatically if Lazio were to hit the Europa League.  

With Luiz Felipe, on the other hand, the agreement is originally supposed to arrive in the near time.

With Marusic, the negotiation is already started earlier this summer.  

For Strakosha, it had emerged that weeks ago the contacts talk had been restarted.

While for Patric, there is still no certainty on his future. 

For now, Lotito just put the negotiations on standby. And now everything is in the hands of the players, Inter is close and who knows if they will be able to answer to the president immediately.

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