Ballotta: "This Year It Is Not Yet The Team That Sarri Wants To See. It Is A Year Of Transition, From Next Year We Will See The Real Lazio."

The former Lazio goalkeeper, Ballotta had his say on the moment that Lazio is experiencing, starting with the match against Napoli. These are the words of him to the microphones of Station 1 Radio:

"I think Lazio may be missing something, they conceded a goal at the last minute.  These are sincerely signs, if you score goals at the end of the day I don't say they are coincidental, but this year it is not yet the team that Sarri wants to see."

"It is a year of transition, the club did not meditate on the market to satisfy Sarri in his small requests of him.  From next year we will see the real Lazio, but there is no doubt that they will have to fight for a place in Europe, otherwise, it would be a mediocre championship, for me it can aspire to greater things."

"Sarri's Project?  It absolutely must continue, otherwise, it would not make sense.  It is not easy to change coach and have immediate results, the club did not take some players that he had asked for without spending the wrath of fans. wrong but we had to go on together."

"The project with Sarri cannot be immediate, it takes a few years.  As a first-year you have to evaluate the whole season and the players, then with the transfer market at the end of the year, it will hit where Sarri will require.  I think it's normal, there is no doubt that how the championship ends will count for a lot."

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