Sarri And Lotito Are Angry With The Lazio Squad Because Of Their Performance Against Lecce

Maurizio Sarri reportedly became enraged after Lazio was defeated by Lecce in the Serie A follow-up match. He conversed with all of his team at their training facility in Formello.

He was extremely upset with his players following the defeat to Marco Baroni's team, he spent over half an hour berating them at The Aquile's training facility in Formello.

He kept his players in the gym and harshly criticized them for the defeat, upset with the way they performed and the lack of mental fortitude in their game. The coach wants his team to avoid another mental decline in matches, this is something they cannot do in their attempt to secure the top four spots in the Serie A standings.

Other than Sarri, today it was president Lotito's turn, who arrived in Formello for an interview with all the players before the afternoon session, which began at 4 pm instead of 3 pm as planned.

The Biancoceleste president asked for explanations on the attitude of the players in Lecce's second half. The president believed that their behavior ruined the team's chances of moving on to the Champions League. The president recommended that Lazio immediately start fresh from their upcoming match with Empoli. A different type of approach to 2023 was expected. Lotito did nothing to hide it today in Formello.

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