The Path Forward For Mandas Following Provedel's Recovery

April 30, 2024

Christos Mandas displayed his youthful vigor in Saturday's match against Verona. He initially made a misjudgment that allowed Verona an opportunity, but later showcased his instinctive talent with a crucial save on Coppola in the second half. Overall, we owe thanks to the Greek goalkeeper, who, despite some areas needing refinement, has stepped up since Provedel's injury forced him into the starting position. His standout performance included a remarkable save against Juventus in the Italian Cup, highlighting his potential. While Mandas could temporarily step back to Monza if Provedel fully recovers, Lazio sees great promise in him and is exploring options for his development in the summer.

Our sources reveal that Lazio may opt to loan Mandas to a team where he can secure regular playtime, allowing him to mature and gain valuable experience. This developmental phase aims to enhance his skills and readiness, potentially leading to a stronger return to the Lazio squad in the future. Despite Provedel currently holding the starting spot, Lazio remains open to transfer opportunities, though no concrete decisions have been made yet. The plan, for now, is to keep Provedel as the first choice and send Mandas on loan to further his growth, with the hope of reuniting him with Lazio stronger than ever in the future. 

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