Sarri: "Celtic Appears To Be A Formidable Team In Certain Aspects. They're A Very Dynamic Team That Plays With Intensity But Not In Terms Of Physical Impact."

On the evening of Wednesday, October 4th, Lazio will be playing their second match of the Champions League group stage against Celtic at Celtic Park. In preparation for this game, coach Maurizio Sarri has cautioned his team about the potential danger posed by Celtic.

Due to Lazio's flight from Rome being delayed, the press conference and ground inspection had to be postponed for an hour. The delay was caused by the extended amount of time it took to pass through the post-Brexit security checks, resulting in a longer wait than anticipated.

Sarri's mood soured further due to the controversy that arose between him and President Claudio Lotito over transfer strategy, which was already evident from his comments.

As quoted by Football-Italia, the coach expressed frustration with the media's tendency to selectively report on his statements. He explained that when they only report on a portion of what he said, it can lead to misunderstandings. As a result, he plans on limiting his responses to simple affirmatives and negatives to minimize any potential confusion.

"From here on I will probably only answer yes and no to avoid confusion," said the coach.

Scottish football is anticipated to be very physical. However, that was not what the coach expected from the game against Celtic.

"This was the least physical game of the group; they're a very dynamic team that plays with intensity but not in terms of physical impact. Celtic appears to be a formidable team in certain aspects; I was pleasantly surprised by the sophistication of their tactics, and before the red card, it felt like they deserved a better outcome against Feyenoord."

During his time as a manager, Sarri had an encounter with Brendan Rodgers, who was also managing at the time for Leicester City.

"This is a very different team than the one he coached at Leicester; he is a fantastic coach who previously managed Liverpool for three years. Celtic have the potential to be the group's frontrunner." 

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