Not Just Pellegrini, But Lazio Also Re-discussed Acquiring Rovella From Juventus

After three signings, Lazio is looking for a fourth, and it is precisely in the midfield that they want to arrive. 

It is not surprising that Juventus and Lazio are in discussions about Luca Pellegrini, given that he was loaned to Rome for the second half of the 2022-23 season. Negotiations between the two clubs regarding the player are not far away, as they have been attempting to come to a resolution for some time now.

What is new is that Lazio and Juventus appear to be discussing a deal that goes beyond Pellegrini. The Pellegrini saga has allowed the Capital Club to re-establish contacts for Nicolò Rovella, a protégé of Maurizio Sarri. 

According to Alfredo Pedulla, Rovella, who was originally regarded as a possible backup for Manuel Locatelli, is now willing to switch to Lazio. This is because Juventus still has a surplus of midfielders.

There have been reports earlier that Juventus might loan out Rovella this summer. However, the crucial difference, in this case, is that if Lazio acquires him on loan, they will have the option to purchase him or the obligation to make the transfer permanent.

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